6 Future Car Technologies To Look For

1. Body Panels That Are Reconfigurable

Picture a small SUV fitted with lightweight body panels along with the retracted roof and side glasses lowering in the body panels. Confused? We are showing the hybrid version of an SUV and a truck in the same vehicle. It is possible and you can see this in a few years, where your Chrysler minivan will be half car and half truck.

2. Active Health Monitoring System

Though the Ford Motor already has previewed this idea of fitting the steering wheel and seatbelts with the sensors, which can measure the vital statistics of a human body, it can take some years to hit the market. This basic autonomous technology, combined with the wearable technology will be able to pull over the emergency. In response, it can notify and call paramedics when the driver has the heart attack.

3. Remote Vehicle Shutdown

This is the best technology to prevent your car from being stolen. With OnStar leveraging this idea already, it has shutdown many stolen cars, resulting in the end of police chases in no time and less drama. However, the problem is, the majority of drivers, even drivers in OnStar, do not know that there is some technology like Remote Vehicle Shutdown. It proves that the technology will take some time to enter the social consciousness.

4. Active Window Display

Many times you have come across the cockpit of a fighter aircraft, may be in a movie, or in a random video, and have seen the numbers and lines in front of the fighter pilot. These numbers and lines shows various factors, such as, altitude, speed, etc. which help in the safe flight of the aircraft. It is known as Head-Up Display, or simply HUD. Now, in the near future, you can see this HUD technology in your favorite car also, showing the vibrant images on your front glass or on windshield. You can imagine a GPS system on your windshield, highlighting the next turn as you approach it.

5. Biometric Vehicle Access

From your entry into the office to the unlocking of your iPhone, everything requires your fingerprints in the current times. The day is not far, when your car too will require your fingerprints to get unlocked. In the recent years, we have seen changing the cars entries from key to keyless, and the next one is key-fob-less entry. The other option to get this Biometric Vehicle Access is the retina scanner, scanning your eyes before unlocking your car. However, unlike the fingerprint scanners, there are less chances that there will be any kind of retina scanners.
6. Autonomous Vehicle

You might definitely have heard about the Tesla Model S getting the software, which can steer, change lanes, and park on its own. However, it is nearly an autonomous model. But the day is not far, when there will be fully autonomous cars, in certain circumstances, on the roads. Just give the command, or enter the data of the place you want to go, and relax. The car will steer itself and take you to your destination.

The world is getting a better place to live. With more awareness than ever, the innovators and scientists are performing more and more experiments to write my thesis statement for me and to make our lives easier and cozier. It is now or in the future, owning a car will always be a luxury, which is getting better day by day, year by year. So, these were 6 future car technologies to look for, which the cars of future may be equipped with.


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