7 Short But Amazing Business Books For Every Entrepreneur

#1 Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy:  21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time 

Distractions are the prime delayer of every work a person plans to finish in time. To be noted, for the present generation, it is mainly the digital digressions. The end result of each digression is nothing but procrastination. So I would not have to explain how badly it affects not just entrepreneurs but every single person.
Eat That Frog draws a picture of the different ways a person can overcome the apparition displayed by procrastination. 127 pages give you an idea of approaching each task you penned down in your diary equally. Be it looks like one Herculean task or looks like a frog.
If you are planning to finish the peanuts first and then waiting to take the onerous tasks later, that itself leads you to find yourself a decent procrastinator. But Brian Tracy insists that it cause trouble at the point you have to take that giant one up.

 #2 Uncontainable by Kip Tindell

The corporate jargons; passion and commitment from time to time mustered a lot of ignited minds together. But in today’s scenario, a different attitude is given space in the corporate world, ‘conscious capitalism’. Uncontainable by Kip Tindell reviews the importance of conscious capitalism in every business person’s career in today’s scenario.
Tindell points out not just a theory or verbal concourse but it is a proven concept that by knowing the frequent flux in commerce mingled up with your focus to lead the business with your heart will act miracles.

#3 Marketing: A Love Story by Bernadette Jiwa

This small inexpensive book takes you through a fictional style of narration, rather, it is like reading a college personal statement uk. Laudable comments have been put forth by the writer who knew the pulse of marketing ratios very well. His words, ‘stop selling stuff and start telling stories’ are triumphantly clicked in the digital marketing sector now. A change of direction will be felt while you narrate a story to the customers of your stuff which more radically acts as whirlwinds in your complete strategy of doing business.

#4 Daring Greatly : How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and LeadbyBrené Brown

Readers say that an aura extended by this book lasts a long time after reading it. Brene Brown suggests vulnerability to the situations around us should be courageously accepted by which the transformation in your ways of approach to everything in your life can be estimated. In her book, she happily implies that “because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance”.

#5 Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals by Thomas Corley

This short one can be finished within the span of a nap you take in an afternoon. But the ideas incorporated into words here are not just minute but enough to transmute a startup business to an effective corporate ingredient in a very limited time. The writer has been researching on the perfect habits of some wealthy clients of him for years and finally he came up with ten must follow habits that can turn any business into being the next word in the arena of capitalism.

#6 Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

A nice compilation of parables is seen in the book by Spencer Johnson, Who Moved My Cheese? Rapidly the book was selling after it got published in 1998 since it very dramatically chains out the influence of changes in the world happens from time to time.
This tiny piece of cumbersome suggestions to do healthy business everyday recommends a thing that, we living in this very unpredictable circle of happenings, should be highly alerted and ready to get adapted to the fastest alterations causing the world itself turn topsy-turvy.

#7 As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

A 1902 release, but till date the pages of this book has turned a lot of confused minds to become enviable entrepreneurs of the world. The writer James Allen profoundly says in this book that one’s life is safely accustomed to his own hands and it is not to be lived according to the goals of luck, fate or external circumstances. Be successful in your mind, success in life follows is the core attitude this book insists upon.

Out of million numbers of books that could be read according to one’s convenience, I here suggest some short but best books every entrepreneur must read. Possibly, each of these books will consume maximum one hour of your life every day; but it is worth sparing.


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